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VALIDATE® Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Six configurations to meet your calibration verification needs
Order Nº Volume Storage Insert SDS
301ab 5x3mL -10° to -25°C INSERT SDS
301au 5x3mL -10° to -25°C INSERT SDS
301bc 5x3mL -10° to -25°C INSERT SDS
301db 5x3mL -10° to -25°C INSERT SDS
301ri 5x3mL, 5x3mL -10° to -25°C INSERT SDS
301vt 5x3mL -10° to -25°C INSERT SDS
Analyte Name
ORDER Nº 301ab
Beckman Coulter AU
ORDER Nº 301au
Beckman Coulter Unicel DxC / Synchron
ORDER Nº 301bc
Siemens Dimension®
ORDER Nº 301db
Set 1
ACTM Acetaminophenµg/mL 10 - 3422.5 - 18614 - 2584 - 270
AMIK Amikacinµg/mL 1 - 412.9 - 504 - 45---
CARB Carbamazepineµg/mL 3 - 16.62 - 202.3 - 15.61 - 19
DIGN Digoxinng/mL 0.4 - 4.30.3 - 50.3 - 3.70.2 - 4.5
GENT Gentamicinµg/mL 1 - 90.28 - 100.7 - 10.60.5 - 10.8
PHNO Phenobarbitalµg/mL 2 - 675 - 805 - 694 - 74.4
PHYT Phenytoinµg/mL 1 - 343 - 372.5 - 331 - 36
SALY Salicylatemg/dL 10 - 953.1 - 806 - 882 - 95
THEO Theophyllineµg/mL 1 - 342.5 - 402.9 - 354 - 37
TOB Tobramycinµg/mL 0.4 - 8.40.7 - 100.7 - 11.20.5 - 10.8
VALP Valproic Acidµg/mL 15 - 13010 - 15015 - 1255 - 135
VANC Vancomycinµg/mL 5.8 - 813 - 474.5 - 371.2 - 45
Set 2
Analyte Name
Roche cobas®
ORDER Nº 301ri
QuidelOrtho VITROS®
ORDER Nº 301vt
Set 1
ACTM Acetaminophenµg/mL 8 - 20312 - 190
AMIK Amikacinµg/mL 1 - 40---
CARB Carbamazepineµg/mL 2.7 - 19.55 - 19
DIGN Digoxinng/mL 0.5 - 5.20.5 - 3.8
GENT Gentamicinµg/mL 0.5 - 10.20.7 - 9.3
LIDO Lidocaineµg/mL 1.13 - 9.1---
NAPA N-Acetylprocainamideµg/mL 0.2 - 27---
PHNO Phenobarbitalµg/mL 2.6 - 577 - 72
PHYT Phenytoinµg/mL 0.8 - 434 - 36
PRIM Primidoneµg/mL 2.9 - 16.8---
PROC Procainamideµg/mL 0.3 - 13.6---
QUIN Quinidineµg/mL 0.09 - 6.8---
SALY Salicylatemg/dL ---1 - 38
SALY Salicylateµg/mL 5 - 665---
THEO Theophyllineµg/mL 1 - 381.1 - 36
TOB Tobramycinµg/mL 0.3 - 9.50.8 - 9
VALP Valproic Acidµg/mL 4.8 - 15016 - 143
VANC Vancomycinµg/mL 5 - 795.5 - 47
Set 2
GENT Gentamicinµg/mL 0.5 - 11.9---

TDM1 Notes:

  • TDM1 (301au), (301ab) and (301bc) are not CE marked.
Typical ranges or recommended Level usage for products are intended as a guide only.