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Peer Group Analysis

With the purchase of all VALIDATE® linearity and calibration verification kits, LGC Maine Standards provides a Data Reduction Service that is free of charge.

LGC Maine Standards' data reduction provides reports that not only include a linearity analysis of your data, but also an analysis of your results in comparison with your peers. The linearity analysis is specific to your instrument’s recovery and is based on the fact that all of our VALIDATE® products are manufactured using an Equal Delta Dilution method. Peer Group Analysis helps you determine whether any nonlinearities are unique to your instrument system in comparison with your peers running the same instrument, analyte, reagent method and units of measure.

Download our Free Data Reduction Software, MSDRx®

Click on the image to download.

Download our Data Submission Forms


Click on the images to download.

Setup Information

With MSDRx Infinity you will be automatically included in and receive Peer Group Analysis from LGC Maine Standards, you just need to select the Manufacturer's Reagent Description abbreviation  (i.e. ALB2, ALBP, ALBm, etc.) when processing in the new system or when you fill out your data submission form. This is the only information needed to ensure that your results are included in, and are compared to, the proper peers.

Please visit the Peer Group Setup FAQ section for commonly asked questions or contact LGC Maine Standards Technical Support at 1-800-377-9684, if you need help.






Mon - Thu: 8:30 AM to
5:00 PM, ET 

Fri: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, ET