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Essential Personnel

Last Updated:  18 FEB 2021 10:00AM EST

Authority to Operate
LGC Clinical Diagnostics (SeraCare Life Sciences & Maine Standards Company) provides essential services and is permitted to continue to operate in accordance with the definitions and policies provided by Homeland Security CISA Director, Christopher C. Krebds, in a letter dated March 19, 2020:

  • “If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare service and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule.”
  • “Workers providing COVID-19 testing; Workers that perform critical clinical research needed for COVID-19 response

All non-authorized staff are working remotely and whenever possible, authorized staff are also working remotely.  For more information, visit our Authority to Operate page.

View Authorized Personnel By Site

The following staff members are essential personnel and have been authorized by the executive leadership team to be on-site at the following facilities. Refer to the memo "Essential Personnel Designation," dated 18 MAR 2020 and signed by Michael Sweatt, Executive Vice President & General Manager.


Maine Standards Company
221 US Route 1
Cumberland Foreside, ME 04110

Authorized, Essential Personnel

The below referenced employees are deemed essential workers in laboratory services and as critical COVID-19 Response Personnel are therefore eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in the 1A Phase for the State of Maine

Allen, Teresa
Avery, Daniel
Baldwin, Jonathan
Berry, Adriane
Boissonneault, Brian
Bouley, James
Brockman, Adam
Bryant, Heather
Cahill, Catherine
Carthy, John
Champlin, James
Cody, Virginia
Corkum, Daniel
Cormier, Diane
Cotreau, Christopher
Daley, Anne
Davis, WS Olivia
Doughty, Charyl
Eldridge, Cheryl
Farrin, Lena
Girouard, Jeffrey
Grant, Joseph
Hanlon, Peter
Happe, Christina
Helms, Lisa
Herod, Julia
Hurlburt, Allison
Irish, Patrick
Lamendola, Daniel
Larrabee, Lenity
Larrivee, David
Laverriere, April
Lobley, Jay
MacDonald, Bethanye
McAlister, Virginia
McCrossin, Dustin
McGonagle, Aya
McLain, Simone
Mecray, Ian
Merriman, Nancy
Mohamed, Dehga
Morin, Kim
Murray, Christine
Nagle, John
Nguyen, Anh
Paglio, Joseph
Pawlak, Jessica
Porter, Cheryl
Rimkunas, Anthony
Ringrose, Lisa
Robinson, Mark
Sample, Allen
Sample, Allison
Sansoucie, Mikaella
Sentner, Cathy
Shepard, Kelly
Smith, Craig
Smith-Gervais, Helen
Springer, Chris
Stewart, Nicole

Maxim, Doris
Sweatt, Michael
Thombs, Brandy
Kierstead, Andrea
Thorner, Carissa
Victor, Natalia
Welch, Bridgit
Welker, Sean
Whitehouse, John
Worcester, Melissa
Zvelebilova, Josie
Hedrick, Sarah



SeraCare Life Sciences
910 Clopper Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

The below referenced employees are deemed essential workers in laboratory services and are therefore eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in the 1C Priority Group for the State of Maryland.

Authorized, Essential Personnel

Abi Jomaa, Ryan
Adams, Czezre
Aggrey, Kwesi
Ahmadizadeh, Kimia
Amjed, Maaz
Ampadu, Kofi
Anders, Alan
Barman, Priyanka
Baun, Christopher
Beaver, Megan
Bharathi, Anekella
Bogorin, Ana
Butler, Matthew
Byers, Timothy
Dickens, Jessica

Egan, Pauline
Fitzwilliam, Debra
Forson, Benedicta
Fotsing, Martine
Franklin, Aynslie
Hamouda, Majdi
Hann, Kinh
Huang, Catherine
Jamindar, Sanchita
Kalotra, Shikha
Kamineni, Lakshmi Praveena
Kennedy, April
Killey, Alfred
Koleber, David
Konigshofer, Yves

Luu, Hung
Morales - Sanchez, Samantha
Mwakisachi, Lucy
Nangle, Kyler
Nguyen, Lequan
Nonato, Kimberly
Novosat, Beth
Ocampo, Thelma
Philkana, Deepika
Prokopiak, Devin
Pulley, Anna
Ramalinga, Malathi
Rimshaw, Ashley
Robinson, Jeffrey
Roque, Serene

Ruminski Lowe, Dana
Salim, Saima
Thornhill, Anne
Tomko, Brianne
Tran, Winnie
Treichler, Kent
Vemula, Rajeswari
Vu, Emily
Walling, Kenneth
Watkins, Tonya
Webster, Helen
Wedlock, Kimberly
Wilson, Andrew
Yang, Shuang




SeraCare Life Sciences

25 & 37 Birch Street
Milford, MA 01757

The below referenced employees are deemed essential workers in laboratory services and are therefore eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in the Phase II - Group 3 Priority Group for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Authorized, Essential Personnel

Abbiuso, Christopher
Affanato, William
Amaya Price, Lisa
Anderson, Todd
Balla, Mythili
Bennani, Driss
Bevilacqua, Carmine
Blake, David
Brachet, Valerie
Buckley, Heather
Buva, Prajakta
Cardenas, Michael
Carlevale, Jennifer
Carpentier, Elaine
Caruso, Agnieszka
Casasanta, Carmin
Casey, Maggie
Chapin, Charmaine
Clement, Omoshile
Craven Goetz, Justine
Crowe, Edward
Crowley, Patricia
Crozier, Keith
deFreitas, Brenda
Deleon, Anna
DeLibertis, Richard
Domey, Monica
Douglas, Sharon
Downing, David
Emerson, Amy



Farrar, Ellen
Federico, Rebecca
Flaherty, Bart
Frain, Colleen
Frasch, Carolyn
Frechette, Robert
Gallagher, Jessica
Garlick, Russell
Gendron, Amie
Giampietro, Mark
Glass, Wendy
Gray, Russell
Guilmain, Nancy
Haff, Thomas
Hansen, Brenda
Hardiman, Jennifer
Hardy, David
Harren, Patricia
Hurley, Steven
Jeter, Barre
Kataria, Shehnaz
Kiernan, Paula
King, Adam
King, Danielle
Krawczynski, John
Labonte, Lynne
Lamendola, Daniel
Landi, Amy
Lannan, Daniel
Leitao, Laurice
Leonard, Susan
Loranger, Paul
Lundy, Yvette
MacDougall, Deborah
MacKeen, Virginia
McDonough, Leo
McGlory, Donald
Mealey, Amber
Micelotti, David
Minnette, Chad
Mioline, Ana
Mirenda, Marissa
Morreale, Eric
Mulgrew, Mike
Nadolny, David
Naidu, Sri
Nigam, Nimisha
Niland, Kristen
Nobrega, Ashley
O'Brien, Kevin
O'Connor, Emily
Parenteau, Gregory
Parker, Dianne
Patel, Pankil
Pereira, Michaela
Perkins, Steven
Pfeiffer, Randy
Phomsouvannady, Jenny
Pickering, Thea
Price, Ian
Recchia, Joanne
Richard, Stefanie
Rissmiller, Kurt
Roberge, Cody
Ryan, Ashley
Sambuchi, Scott
Servey, Linnea
Shea, Robert
Slater, Heather
Slonina, Vicki
Smith, Elizabeth
Snow, Amber
Spencer, Suzanne
Spencer, Tracie
Stadtman, John
Stahlbush, Lloyd
Stewart, Kimberly
Sullivan, Anne Marie
Sweeney, Kimberly
Talbot, Joanna
Tatem, Jessica
Taylor, Scott
Thorp, Timothy
Truffer, Steven
Venkatesan, Ganesan
Wassel, Scott
Welsh, Michael
Worster, Christopher